THE ATTUNIST © 2022, Gary B. Haley, all rights reserved. FB! WL! ISBNs: eBook 9781957218021
Paperback 9781957218014
Hardcover 9781957218038

The Attunist

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Also by Gary B. Haley:
The Attuned
The Attunement

Ines Kirkpatrick
Rhonda Lee Carver
Have Coffee Will Edit

Have Coffee Will Publish

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The Attunist - Excerpt

Low tide had my boat sitting completely on the beach, and that wasn’t the worst of it. There must have been fifteen spider monkeys climbing all over my beautiful Chris-Craft, screeching and screaming. I wasn’t going anywhere.

Laguna de Términos translates to The Lagoon of Ends. Meaning the area is where several rivers and streams end. That meant there was an abundance of fresh water in the area. Where mosquitos live and breed. Millions of them. Maybe billions.

If I can’t get into the cabin before sundown, I will be eaten alive.

I built a campfire out in the sand, away from the dry underbrush. As the fire began to grow, the monkeys became more and more vocal. They jumped up and down, screaming and hugging each other. Some were looking at me and my fire, while others also looked into the foliage with equal hysteria.

Okay, good. Their natural habitat is looking better and better to them.

The monkeys looked back and forth at me and the forest as I approached the boat with two flaming branches. They were becoming stressed to the point where I felt sure they would attack, but they did not. The intensity of their fits continued to escalate.

Wait, they are not looking at the forest as a place where they might escape, they are looking at something in the forest.

I followed their fearful glances but couldn’t see anything except foliage. I moved around the boat and placed myself between the monkeys and the general area of their attention, and they calmed down a bit. Waving the flaming branches around, I moved closer to the dense underbrush… until I locked eyes with a jaguar!

Ds and Fs!

The Attunist ...a novel by Gary B. Haley. © 2022, 2024, all rights reserved.